We need someone or group who can post on craigslist in For Sale section.
we will give 0.50$/50cent for every live post.
You have to post daily 50 ads in different cities.
For posting on CL you need USA Virtual Phone Number and USA IP address.if you have this you are most welcome, and if you dont ill provide this.
>For per phone number cost is 6$ for 3month.
>For 500 ip address the cost is 70$...
we will give 0.50$/50cent for every live post.
You have to post daily 50 ads in different cities.
For posting on CL you need USA Virtual Phone Number and USA IP address.if you have this you are most welcome, and if you dont ill provide this.
>For per phone number cost is 6$ for 3month.
>For 500 ip address the cost is 70$...
Interested people can contact with me on anila307@gmail.com {not my personal account for the reason of spam} or 880-1911745281 {11am to 11pm}...